Make ColorSync Profile Utility

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Revision as of 23:50, 27 July 2006 by Patrick (Talk | contribs)
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Sometimes you have a profile on your Mac which does not get recognized by the system as a profile. The Mac keeps track of file types and creators using invisible tags within the file. If the tags have not been set properly, then even though the file contents are correct, the system will not know how to use the file and in the case of ColorSync profiles, may ignore them altogether.

Download the utility below and whenever you have a problem, simply drop the offending profile onto the utility. It will change the invisible tags into ColorSync profile tags and the profile will be usable on your Mac!

[Make Profile Now (OS8 and 9)]

[Make Profile Now (OS X) ]


This was originally part of a Chromix SmartNote. To see the original, click [here.]

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