From ColorWiki
What is GRACoL?
In 1966 a graphics arts task force was formed by the Graphic Communications Association (GCA) to develop a document containing general guidelines and recommendations that could be used as a reference source across the industry for quality color printing. With the support from representatives of IPA and GATF, the GRACoL® Committee developed the printing guidelines that have since become de facto standards on many pressrooms.
The mission of GRACoL® is to improve communications and education in the graphic arts by maintaining the accuracy and the relevance of the GRACoL® document in reporting the influence and impact of new technologies in the workflow of commercial offset lithography.
GRACoL® helps print buyers, designers, and specifiers work more effectively with print suppliers. This book has become the standard of reference and educational medium on the modern lithographic process. It is a tool-kit of standards, tips, and answers to common problems. By following the GRACoL® guidelines and recommendations, you will benefit in the following ways:
- Reduce costs, decrease turn-around times, and avoid re-makes.
- Develop internal guidelines for reliable process controls.
- Acquire print predictability: know what you'll get on press -before you get there.
- Demonstrate printing quality through achievable print guidelines and target goals.
- Build upon the education in fundamentals of printing and developing technologies.
- Clarification of what is reasonable to ask of print suppliers.
GRACoL® helps promote better communication between print buyers and print suppliers and helps avoid disappointment in expectations. Improved processes maintain printing as a competitive force in the communications marketplace.
See also:
For more information, see the following full-length articles:
The ins and outs of GRACoL 7 and G7